忘记了 发表于 2022-12-3 15:45:02

[新世纪音乐] 【New age, Enigmatic】- Sandra Gambino - Shades of Love (2022)[F...

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忘记了 发表于 2022-12-3 15:46:03

艺术家: Sandra Gambino
专辑名称: Shades of Love
发行年代: 2022
唱片公司: Zoom Music
音乐风格: New age, Enigmatic
音乐格式: FLAC
音乐品质: lossless
专辑时间: 00:36:25
容量大小: 216 MB


01. Sandra Gambino - Stay with Me (4:01)
02. Sandra Gambino - Faith Hope Love (3:44)
03. Sandra Gambino - I Can`t Wait (2:59)
04. Sandra Gambino - Take My Hand (4:04)
05. Sandra Gambino - I Want You (3:23)
06. Sandra Gambino - Melt Away (3:26)
07. Sandra Gambino - Tears of Love (3:34)
08. Sandra Gambino - I Miss You (3:34)
09. Sandra Gambino - Stay with Me (Instrumental) (4:01)
10. Sandra Gambino - Tears of Love (Instrumental) (3:34)

云端漫步 发表于 2022-12-3 16:35:39


幽兰雪 发表于 2022-12-5 09:44:14

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